Format: 1.8 Date: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 22:23:44 +0200 Source: chntpw Binary: chntpw Architecture: source amd64 Version: 1.0-1 Distribution: unstable Urgency: low Maintainer: Javier Fernandez-Sanguino Peña Changed-By: Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña Description: chntpw - NT SAM password recovery utility Changes: chntpw (1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low . * Update to latest upstream release, published in 2014-02-01 * debian/rules: Provide also the other binaries built in the sources: reged (Simple Registry Edit Utility for Windows registry hives), sampasswd (SAM database, add or remove user in a group), samusrgrp (SAM database, add or remove user in a group) * debian/samusrgrp.8 debian/reged.8 debian/sampasswd.8: Write manpages for all of the other programs built and included now in the package * debian/chntpw.8: Update the manpage contents based on the program's current -h output. * debian/patches/01_port_to_gcrypt.patch: Update patch since in this release upstream author uses a new define (DOCRYPTO) that enables cryptographic code. This code, that enabled users to change the password, is not enabled by default anymore since it does not work with Windows XP (and later) systems. * debian/patches/11_improve_documentation: Add a new patch to improve the English (by a non-native speaker oh! the irony!) of the HISTORY.txt and MANUAL.txt files, fixing grammar and spelling mistakes, as well as some typos. * debian/changelog: Fix typo and add reference to Ubuntu closed bug * debian/control: - Require debhelp version 5, as per debian/compat * debian/rules: - Update definitions to adapt to this version and upstream's numbering (140201) * Lintian fixes: - Remove statically compiled files from sources (Fixes: source-is-missing) - debian/copyright: point to the versioned license files, not the symlinks since the source does not allow the use of later GPL versions (Fixes: copyright-refers-to-versionless-license-file) - debian/chntpw.8: Fix manpage error (Fixes: manpage-has-errors-from-man) - debian/rules: + Added missing targets build-indep and build-arch (fixes: debian-rules-missing-recommended-target) + Include provided by dpkg-dev (fixes: hardening-no-relro) - debian/control: + Added ${misc:Depends} (fixes: debhelper-but-no-misc-depends) + Use UTF-8 version of maintainer's second surname (i.e. 'ñ' instead of 'n~') this prevents tools from thinking the uploads are a NMU when they are not (fixes: changelog-should-mention-nmu) + Update Standards Version to 3.9.5, no changes needed (fixes: ancient-standards-version) - debian/docs: Remove HISTORY.txt, it is included as a changelog already (fixes: duplicate-changelog-files) Checksums-Sha1: 5999519d2b6d67bf244f86b1783affe8571dc5c4 859 chntpw_1.0-1.dsc 0cc32c498ae7b973173c2b77f1ac18889774b62d 156899 chntpw_1.0.orig.tar.gz 6dd882d8e9ada2925b984bd9d320004d51e0d11a 42758 chntpw_1.0-1.diff.gz e92fae6c3135b166972912135f468e9dde5b6a39 8010 chntpw-dbgsym_1.0-1_amd64.ddeb 5e89c6b389bb45ba8b3e46ab123b1d22e7780cee 5276 chntpw_1.0-1_amd64.buildinfo a12e81c7fb4ba7829c765c251c22d1025a3770ea 92712 chntpw_1.0-1_amd64.deb Checksums-Sha256: a9cb12c4e9bc247154023cac26c589ba69be4938f45e5e16230c1c87a5aaad9e 859 chntpw_1.0-1.dsc 99e41eb0b636e016d29041ef17e82d3f8a6404b53a89f28c83027773bd2efa86 156899 chntpw_1.0.orig.tar.gz a4fae533307fd36f07bc21211f518bd1976b23d2b1bf195dcc5f331b56841b8a 42758 chntpw_1.0-1.diff.gz f7b2727a04bb413fef48161e518f6d8277239ef7386d33e535ba7c36deff83f4 8010 chntpw-dbgsym_1.0-1_amd64.ddeb 9041727c94b39c1a82486c4ce0c30195a8829fc6a3bc5c45ded3600956b98902 5276 chntpw_1.0-1_amd64.buildinfo 5e51f6be21f6dfe03b7116b0386da1514f294902af7c9d46dbfa39ebe9991d1a 92712 chntpw_1.0-1_amd64.deb Files: 008d6d80bebe6e78f818f1c0ced53ee8 859 admin optional chntpw_1.0-1.dsc 4e89814b8da82decaa6661386072cc75 156899 admin optional chntpw_1.0.orig.tar.gz 4f0ddfda6be084b618763ae3d6d43bf3 42758 admin optional chntpw_1.0-1.diff.gz e5c040eb244b000521dd80a609ef5b3f 8010 debug extra chntpw-dbgsym_1.0-1_amd64.ddeb 9a068dbbf44774fbcc1f118659cd8e70 5276 admin optional chntpw_1.0-1_amd64.buildinfo 914753f5acc5689aa7c91b67362bc070 92712 admin optional chntpw_1.0-1_amd64.deb